Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Addie-based Lesson Plan

It's always important to follow a well-designed plan when it comes to preparing lessons. One highly efficient way to plan your lesson carefully is by following the ADDIE model!

The ADDIE model is a generic, systematic, step-by-step framework used by instructional designers, developers and trainers. The five phases—Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation—represent a dynamic, flexible guideline for building effective training and performance support tools.

Check out this ADDIE-based lesson plan I prepared so you can get an simple idea on how ADDIE works!

This plan is designed for teaching "Adjectives" to kids. It is based on blended learning and can be easily adapted to fit your classroom or environment.

So what do you think of ADDIE? Feel free to comment!

Monday, December 19, 2016

Hi there! Welcome to my Blog: E-learning!

Learning through technology is indeed the talk of the hour in education. As a translation graduate now pursuing a masters degree in "Teaching Language Engineering", I created this blog to help others, like myself, who are interested in E-learning skills and techniques.

Whether you're a teacher, a parent, a student, or even a researcher in education, you are welcome aboard to check out the e-techniques and e-based plans I will be posting that are sure to help you in better understanding what e-learning is and how to approach it.

Feel Free to share your own knowledge about any subject posted or ask questions about something specific! This an interactive blog, a platform for discussion. Do not hesitate to comment, and I will surely be actively ready to respond!